Integrated transport schemes

Wichelstowe Quality Bus Corridor

Works to introduce a Quality Bus Corridor between Wichelstowe and Swindon town centre are underway.

This scheme seeks to meet the following criteria:

  • Branded bus service with localised traffic priority measures to enable a competitive and reliable journey time
  • High quality of customer service including the provision of real time information and Wi-Fi
  • High frequency timetable, utilised by a modern accessible bus fleet, calling at a limited number of stops on route

Funding for this scheme has been allocated from the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Local Growth Fund.

This project comprises the following three highway schemes to support the bus network that will serve the Wichelstowe development, once it is fully built out.

  • Re-modelling of the approaches to Mannington Roundabout, to improve capacity for all users and to complement the bus priority at the junction of Wootton Bassett Road and Penzance Drive, when this becomes fully operational.
  • Widening of a section of Pipers Way, where property boundaries allow, to enable the introduction of a bus lane for town centre-bound services
  • Creation of a continuous bus lane from the eastern end of Commercial Road to Princes Street through Regent Circus by rationalising the highway layout in this area. In addition, there will be enhanced facilities for bus passengers and improvements for pedestrians through the widening of footways.

The following plan may provide further information.

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