M4 junction 15 improvement works
The improvements to M4 junction 15 have been identified by Highways England and Swindon Borough Council as critical infrastructure. This scheme is required for the delivery of planned strategic developments, including the New Eastern Villages (NEV), and comprises residential and employment development and local facilities such as retail and education provision. Jointly with other associated infrastructure schemes, they meet the overarching objectives of facilitating sustainable economic growth throughout Swindon Borough.
M4 junction 15 is operating near capacity and the developments planned in the vicinity of the junction will generate additional traffic flow. Measures to mitigate the impact on the road network are set out below and include:
- a dedicated left turn lane on the southbound A419 entry to the roundabout for eastbound traffic (towards London)
- the widening of the A419 southbound approach to the junction and the northbound exit from the junction
- the widening of the A346 northbound entry
- the widening of the M4 eastbound off-slip road
- the widening of the junction’s southern circulatory carriageway from 2 to 3 lanes
- the proposed prohibition of vehicular access under the A419 bridge on Day House Lane and its conversion to a quiet route for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrian users
- The upgrade of existing footpaths
The plan below outlines the area affected by the works and includes a general arrangement plan:
Timeline for delivery
The highway works were completed in October 2021. The M4 J15 scheme is now complete and fully open to traffic. There are minor ancillary works still taking place including landscaping and surfacing of the pedestrian and cycle route via Day House Lane underpass. This is due to be completed during November/December 2021.
We will provide an update on the opening of the underpass via our Highways News newsletter. You can subscribe via the Sign up for our e-Newsletters webpage.
How to contact us
For further information about the improvement works, contact us by email: M4jnc15@swindon.gov.uk