
Use of bollards to prevent verge or pavement parking

If there are parking restrictions in place these apply to the full width of public highway, including in most cases the carriageway and verge or pavement. In these instances vehicles parked on a verge or pavement may be subject to enforcement action. Please see the Parking Enforcement webpages.

Where there are no restrictions, or where the verge is not public highway, there is no immediate action the Council can take although it is recognised the inconvenience to pedestrians on pavements and damage to verges this can cause.

We do not promote or support parking on pavements or grass verges.

The use of bollards to prevent parking on verges or pavements is not promoted due to a number of reasons:

  • demand for parking - installing bollards won’t remove the demand for parking in an area. If bollards are installed in one area demand is simply displaced to a location where there are no bollards or the highway is obstructed
  • grass cutting - installing a length of bollards can make it much more difficult to cut the grass in an area. The impact on our maintenance budget can be significant or lead to uncut areas
  • cost – the investment required to supply, install and maintain bollards can be significant
  • pavement width – in some locations narrow pavements can be restricted further by the installation of bollards, set back from the kerb edge, and as a result become an obstruction to pedestrians in their own right

Use of bollards to prevent vehicular access to private property

On occasion, damage to pavement and verges can arise when residents drive across the pavement or verge outside their house in order to park their vehicle on their front garden or driveway. Where such practices are identified the Council will contact the resident regarding the use of an illegal vehicle crossing. There is an application process for construction of a vehicle access across a verge and footway to a private drive. Please see the Apply for a Dropped Kerb Licence webpage.

Use of bollards to prevent vehicular access to footpaths

In some locations footpaths across public open space are used by vehicles as a short-cut or to park closer to private properties. If the footpath is public highway and maintained by the Council’s Highways team bollards may be considered to prevent vehicular access.

However a minimum width of 1.5metres must always be maintained for access by those with wheelchairs and push-chairs etc. If the footpath is not sufficient width to ensure this, bollards may not be appropriate.

Alternatively, some footpaths have adjoining open space grassed areas and the introduction of bollards in the footpath may encourage vehicles to pass over the grass and cause further damage.

Sites will be assessed on an individual basis.

If you are aware of a location where bollards are required to prevent vehicles using footpaths please contact your local Ward Councillors to discuss the issue.

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