- Our Road Safety Strategy is based on a Safe Systems approach that focuses on preventing death and serious injury. It is built around 5 pillars of action aimed at supporting a holistic approach to delivery
- One of the 5 pillars is ‘Safe Speeds’ in recognition of the role speed has in minimising the severity of injury sustained in the event of a road traffic collision
- In conjunction with the adoption of a new Road Safety Strategy, we have also approved a new 20mph schemes policy
- You can use our TraffWeb map to view all existing 20mph limits and zones in Swindon along with other traffic restrictions in force on the network
- If you feel a residential area may be appropriate for a 20mph scheme, contact your local Ward Councillors
- Any change to a speed limit will require an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). Please see the Traffic regulation Order webpages for further information.