Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Public notice of road humps and pedestrian crossings

Before we can install road humps or controlled pedestrian crossings (signal-controlled or ZEBRA), we are required by law to publish a notice of our intention to do so in the local press, on this website and by displaying notices in the roads concerned.

A copy of current public notices and any relevant drawing(s) showing the location of the proposed road hump(s) or pedestrian crossing are available to view in the table below.

You may comment within a period of 21 days starting from the day on which the notice of intention is published. Representations may be submitted by completing the consultation form.

Once the consultation period has closed all comments received will be reviewed and these will be reported to the Ward Councillors and Cabinet Member (where appropriate) for consideration of the next steps.

If any comments against the proposed road humps or pedestrian crossing are received, they will be considered by officers. The final decision will be made by the Cabinet Member (the elected Councillor whose portfolio includes responsibility for Transport), or the Head of Strategic Transport and Infrastructure under delegated authority.

The process for implementing road humps and pedestrian crossings does not involve making a traffic order.

There are currently no TROs to view.

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