Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Stage 2 - Formal consultation

The following TRO's have been deemed suitable to progress to Stage 2 of the TRO making process and are now subject to formal consultation.

Details of the TROs will be advertised in the local press, notices will be posted on this website and properties directly affected will be notified.

Residents, local businesses and other interested parties may submit their support or objection for a proposed TRO at any time within the consultation period listed below.

Once the consultation period has closed all comments received will be reviewed and these will be reported to the Ward Councillors and Cabinet Member (where appropriate) for consideration of the next steps.

If formal objections are received they will be considered by Officers. The final decision will be made by the Cabinet Member (the elected Councillor whose portfolio includes responsibility for parking), or Head of Strategic Transport and Infrastructure under delegated authority.

If the proposed TRO is amended to address concerns that have been raised, the revised TRO may need to be re-advertised. In some instances we may decide not to proceed with the proposal.

If no objections are received or the Cabinet Member supports the proposal as advertised, it may progress to Stage 3.

There are currently no TROs at Stage 2 of the consultation process.

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