School safe environment zones (SSEZ)

Schemes for inclusion in Year 5 - 2024/25

The following 20 schools were prioritised for inclusion in the year 5 programme.

These schools have been subject to further investigation which has determined whether they require behavioural change initiatives or engineering measures implemented. 

The delivery of any initiatives with the SSEZ program will also be dependent on deliverability, affordability and community support. 

Initial preliminary investigations have been completed and confirmed preliminary designs are available to view below.  

For any of those schools which could require Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), as part of their SSEZ scheme, additional documentation will be available for you to view on the TRO pages if progressed and formerly advertised.

Each of the following schools have been invited to engage on behavioural change initiatives to support the proposed SSEZ:

  • Highworth Warneford & Southfield School
  • Millbrook Primary School
  • Haydon Wick Primary School
  • Oaktree Nursery and Primary School
  • University Technical College
  • Robert Le Kyng Primary School
    • Robert Le King Primary School currently has all of the engineering measures that are required for a school safe environment zone. Officers have considered whether Westcott Street was a potential school street, however this has been ruled out at the present time due to the geometry of the side street onto a strategic network A road. Behavioural change initiatives have been shared with the school to assist with the behaviours and requests for enforcement support with the current parking restrictions that are in place. 
  • Holy Cross Primary School (St Joseph's)
    • Holy Cross Primary School has all of the engineering measures that are required for a school safe environment zone. Due to the location of the school access, Officers have been providing support with behavioural change and promoting a park and stride and requesting additional support from the parking enforcement team.
  • Lydiard Park Academy
  • The Deanery CE Academy & The Kingfisher School
  • Abbey Farm – new school opened in 2022, SSEZ features are in place but require some minor amendments the proposed works are to undertaken by the developer due to the Diamond Crescent still being under their control and not yet officially adopted by Swindon Borough Council.   
  • Abbey Park Academy & Red Oaks Primary School
  • St Luke’s School
    • St Luke’s School is located of the A4311 Cricklade Road, students are generally transported by SEN Transport, and the small number that do get driven into school is managed within the school site. No engineering changes proposed for the public highway outside the school gates. Officers will support with behavioural change initiatives where suitable. 
  • Goddard Park Primary School - All SSEZ features are in place in Welcombe Avenue, the changes to be implemented are to protect vehicle access to the Lyndhurst Centre at the rear of the school
  • Swindon New College
    • School safe environment features in place that serve the college. No further engineering changes proposed.
  • South Marston CE Primary School
    • South Marston Primary School is awaiting works to commence as part of a school expansion. The proposed school safe environment zone measure will be undertaken during the highway works relating to development of the school.
  • Haydonleigh Primary School 
  •  Swindon College - North Star
    • No additional school safe environment engineering measures required due to the geometry of the road layout and sufficient parking associated with the college 

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