Lotmead S73 Public Inquiry 2024

Appeal site
Lotmead, Eastern Villages, Swindon, SN3 4DB
Appeal proposals
  • Outline Planning Application (means of access off Wanborough Road not reserved) for demolition and/or conversion of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide up to 2,500 homes (Use Class C3)
  • Up to 1,780 sqm of community/retail uses (Use Class D1/D2/A1/A3/A4)
  • Up to 2,500 sqm of employment use (Use Class B1);
  • Sports hub
  • Playing pitches
  • 2no. 2 Form Entry primary schools
  • Green infrastructure
  • Indicative primary access road corridors to A420
  • Improvements to Wanborough Road and associated works
Appeal reference
LPA reference
Appeals officer letter
211B - Case Officer - Appeals Officer - 01 Feb 2024 (PDF)
View all Lotmead S73 Public Inquiry 2024 documents on the Planning Portal

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