Planning policy guidance

Adopted guidance - design toolkit

Residential extensions and alterations SPD

This SPD amplifies Policy DE1 of the adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026 by providing detailed guidance to assist in achieving high quality development and protect amenity.

Inclusive design access for all SPD

This SPD amplifies Policy DE1 of the adopted Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026 by providing guidance to assist in achieving high quality and inclusive design for all development; including individual buildings, public and private spaces.

Swindon Residential Design Guide SPD

The purpose of this SPD is to expand upon Policy DE1: High Quality Design (Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026) and to assist with implementation of this policy in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The SPD builds on previous guidance to provide a clear set of principles and guidelines to ensure high quality design. 

This is to shape new development in line with the council’s Strategic Planning Objectives on Design Quality, the placemaking ambitions within the Borough’s Corporate vision and in accordance with the core principles of the NPPF.

This document was adopted at the June 2016 Planning Committee.

Shopfronts coding guidance

The Shopfronts Coding Guidance Note will be applied whenever planning consent is required for a new or amended shopfront.

The Old Town Hall and Corn Exchange planning brief

The brief below provides a policy and design framework to deliver high quality redevelopment of the site. This incorporates the renovation and re-use of the Old Town and Corn Exchange listed buildings.

The Limes development brief

This brief provides a planning policy and design framework to deliver high quality redevelopment of the site.

Moredon development brief

This brief provides a planning and design policy framework to deliver high quality redevelopment of the site.

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