Monitoring and evidence base

Strategic Housing and economic land availability assessment (SHELAA) and ‘call for sites’

We are currently in the process of developing a New Local Plan. As part of this process, we need to identify a sufficient range of sites to meet housing, employment and other needs over the plan period.

To maintain a clear understanding of land available for development within the Borough we must undertake a Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).  

A SHELAA is a high-level land assessment which considers whether land is suitable, available and achievable for housing, employment and other uses over the plan period. It does not allocate land for development. 

The SHELAA is also an important source of evidence which feeds into the council’s five-year housing land supply position and brownfield register.    

The council undertook a new call for sites exercise which ran until 31 March 2023. Thank you to everybody who contributed to this process.  

This information is now being reviewed and will form part of an update to the SHELAA. 

For further information, email

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