Swindon Local Plan 2026 and New Local Plan

Swindon Local Plan 2026

The Swindon Local Plan is the principal planning policy document for the Borough, providing the development strategy to deliver sustainable growth to the year 2026.

It sets out how much development the Borough needs and identifies where, when, and how development will take place.

It also includes a set of more detailed development management policies used to assess planning applications in the Borough.

The Swindon Local Plan was formally adopted by Swindon Borough Council on 26 March 2015:

Policies map

Accompanying the Local Plan is the Policies Map which shows where the policies apply and what uses the land is allocated for.

The Policies Map has been divided into 23 overlapping tiles for ease of printing and an Interactive Policies Map has been created for ease of viewing.

The interactive map below shows the adopted policies in the Local Plan. You can search for a particular address or postcode and toggle individual layers on and off using the panel on the left hand side of the map. 

Clicking a point on the map will show which Local Plan policies apply at that location. You can also change the base map between ordnance survey, aerial imagery and a black and white map.

If you have any queries about the map, including any suspected errors, please email forwardplanning@swindon.gov.uk with a screenshot of the area you are concerned about.

View a full screen version of the map.

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Planning obligations

Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (also known as the CIL or 'the Levy') is the Government’s chosen approach to set a mandatory tariff on development. CIL allows the Council (also known as CIL Charging Authority ‘CA’) to raise funds from new development in its area.

CIL receipts contribute towards the improvement of facilities and services that are required to support the development and growth planned for Swindon to 2026.  

Further information is available on the CIL webpages.

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