Hannington neighbourhood plan
The Hannington neighbourhood plan was adopted, or made, at a full council meeting on Thursday, 8 November 2018.
The plan now forms part of the statutory development plan for the borough and will be used in determining planning proposals in Hannington parish. The adopted version of the plan is available to download:
Examination of the Hannington neighbourhood plan
During the consultation period for the Hannington neighbourhood plan, Mr Andrew Matheson, MRTPI FCIH Dip TP MSc MPA was appointed as the independent examiner. All comments received during our public consultation were passed on for his consideration.
The examiner issued his report into the Hannington neighbourhood plan on 24 May 2018. He concluded that, subject to modifications, the plan met the necessary basic conditions as set out in Schedule 4b (8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). Subject to these modifications being made, the plan was allowed to proceed to referendum.