CIL forms

Please note: Discretionary Reliefs are not available in Swindon Borough Council CIL Charging Authority area.

Central Government has published a set of CIL forms that are required to be completed and submitted to a CIL authority to comply with the correct CIL process. These are published via the Planning Portal CIL Forms page.

The latest versions of the relevant CIL forms should always be available via that page.

Please ensure that you carefully follow the instructions provided on that page itself and as stated within the relevant form being used.

That page also provides additional published information about the operation of CIL that may be helpful to you in addition information published by central government on other webpages.

The process for the administrative framework for CIL is set out within the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended).  

Please note: If the correct CIL administrative process isn’t followed, or cannot be followed, this is likely to have a direct financial impact on the liable parties. That financial impact is the likely imposition of surcharges for failure to follow process and/or inability to follow process, some of which are mandatory, and addition of mandatory late payment interest increasing the overall CIL amount due for payment.

Some circumstances exist where it won’t be possible for the CIL authority to accept as valid CIL forms that have been completed and submitted e.g. CIL Exemption Claims and/or relief claims cannot be made against certain types of retrospective decisions.

It is the responsibility of all the relevant parties that have a material interest in the CIL liable development, or if they have instructed a third party to act on their behalf, to ensure that the correct CIL process is being followed at all times.

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