Report a road traffic accident involving an animal
If you hit an animal causing injury or death, you must give your details (your own and/or the vehicle owner's name and address, and the registration number of the vehicle) to anyone having reasonable grounds for requiring them.
If this is not possible, you must report the accident to Wiltshire Police as soon as possible, and within 24 hours.
The action that should be taken when an animal is involved in a road accident, depends on the type of animal.
The above information applies to:
- Asses
- Cattle
- Dogs
- Goats
- Horses
- Mules
- Pigs
- Sheep
If your animal is involved in or causes an accident, you may also be held liable for any costs involved.
Cats and poultry
Cats and poultry are classed as free roaming animals and are therefore not covered by the same legislation as those listed above.