Coate Water Park

Golf at Coate Water

Important information

The pitch and putt and crazy golf are currently closed.

They are due to re-open in Summer 2024.

Our 18 hole pitch and putt, 18 hole mini golf and 9 hole putting green are perfect for a fun round of golf.

Club hire is included in the price. Balls, tees and pencils are on sale at reception.

Opening times

Pitch and putt and crazy golf opening hours are 11.00am to 5.00pm on weekdays and 10.00am to 6.00pm on weekends.

The opening hours are weather dependant from Autumn onwards so we advise you to call us on 07824 550463 in advance of your visit. 

Facilities and prices

  • Pitch and putt (including golf club and putter hire) - £5.00
  • Golf balls (two) - £1.00
  • Crazy golf (including golf club hire and ball) - £3.00

Please note: Only cash payment is available.

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