School admission arrangements
Admission arrangements 2024-25
We have consulted and determined upon our admission arrangements for the normal point of entry (Reception, Year 3 and Year 7) for admission for pupils for 2024-25. These are applicable to all schools in Swindon.
We have also consulted and determined the admission arrangements (including the published admissions numbers and catchment areas), for our Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for which we are the admission authority.
The In-Year Coordinated Scheme for 2024-25 has also been consulted and determined.
Full details of the policies are contained in a series of downloadable documents below:
- Coordinated admissions scheme for point of entry 2024-25 (PDF)
- Applicable to all schools in Swindon
- Delayed and deferred admissions policy 2024-25 (PDF)
- Community and voluntary controlled schools 2024-25 (PDF)
- In-year co-ordinated admissions scheme 2024-25 (PDF)
- School catchment areas 2024-25 (PDF)
- For Community and VC schools only
- Relevant area 2024-26 (PDF)
Individual school policies
Schools which are their own admitting authorities, are responsible for their own admissions policy and catchment area if they have one.
Parents can access these policies and supplementary forms via the schools own websites.
See the schools contact directory for relevant information.