Secondary school places and admissions

Make your application

For children who will start secondary school in September 2025 and were born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, the main application period for on-time applications has now closed.

If you want to submit a late application, please use the online form provided below. 

Please note: This application form should only be used if your child is currently in Year 6 and will be starting Year 7 in September 2025. For applications for other year groups, please use the in-year application process.

Late applications are not considered until all on-time applications have been considered and allocated.

For late applications, we will aim to provide a school placement offer on the designated offer day, but this may not always be possible. If that is the case, we will offer a place as soon as we can.

It is important to read the secondary school admissions guide before you begin your application. This document contains essential information about how your application will be considered.

Make your late application

Change your school preferences

If you have already made an on-time application but now need to change your school choices, you must complete the change to school preferences form. Changing your preferences will make your entire application late, which means it will only be considered after all on-time applications have been processed. We also cannot guarantee that your changes will be considered before the national offer day.

Change to school preferences

Supplementary information

Some schools require supplementary information to your main application with us. You need to check with the schools you are applying for. If the school needs supplementary information, you will need to complete an additional form and submit it directly to the school.

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