Apply for a local land charges search

Temporary suspension of responses to s106 Planning Legal agreement compliance requests

We are temporarily suspending our non-statutory service of providing responses to s106 compliance requests being made by solicitors, property owners, and other organisations until further notice.

For additional information that may assist you, please visit the s106 or s52 documents webpage.

Local Land Charges service update

HM Land Registry is working in partnership with local authorities in England and Wales to standardise and migrate local land charges register information to one accessible place.

We are currently working with the migration hub to enable the transfer of the data. This may result in a delay in accepting and processing your local authority search.

We apologise for any delay and appreciate your continuing patience and understanding.

For further information please visit the Government website.

We can provide the following services:

  • Complete local authority searches LLC1, Law Society CON 29 Enquiries of the Local Authority (2016) and CON29O
  • Complete Commons and Village Green CON29O Question 22

Fees for search requests

The fees for searches are detailed in the following document:

You can pay by telephone with a debit or credit card. We will call you to take your payment over the telephone.

Alternatively, you can send a cheque for payment with your application. Cheques should be made payable to 'Swindon Borough Council'.

How to apply

You can apply online. Searches will be processed in order of receipt. Personal searches will not print and are only available to view.

Apply for a local land charges search

You can also apply by email or post. Application forms Law Society CON 29 Enquiries of the Local Authority (2016) and CON 29O are available under licence from the Law Society website. They are also available in paper and electronic format from legal stationers such as:

  • Oyez Straker
  • Laserform
  • Peapod
  • LexisNexi
  • Shaw & Sons

Email your completed form to:, or post to:

Local land charges
Wat Tyler House West
Beckhampton Street

We are fully accountable for the authenticated and guaranteed information supplied in response to forms LLC1 and Law Society CON 29 Enquiries of the Local Authority (2016). We will respond to any enquiries arising from an official search.

How you can help in the process

In order to help us respond to your applications in the quickest time possible, make sure you always:

  • submit two ordnance survey map extracts with all search requests. Also, clearly outline in red, the property or land to be searched.
  • identify new properties clearly by outlining in red, on an extract of the development plan (two copies required)
  • check to make sure that the search is in an area covered by Swindon Borough Council. See the Local land charges areas and districts document  for searches in the borough of Swindon.

Copies of searches and documents

There is an administration charge for copies of searches and documents that are held by the Local Land Charges Service. We will advise you of the relevant fee when you contact us.

Further information is available in the following document:

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