Tenant Academy
The Tenant Academy team is part of Swindon Borough Council’s Housing Services. Based at Enterprise Works, we have a dedicated training room and a private meeting space to support our tenants.
Our friendly team is here to help you unlock your potential, develop valuable skills and take positive steps toward your future. By working with local training providers, we offer support with:
- maintaining your home
- gaining qualifications
- becoming 'work ready'
- developing essential life skills
Explore our courses and training opportunities to see how we can help.
Shaping our services with your feedback
We work closely with a Tenant Steering Group to ensure our training meets the needs of our tenants. The group provides feedback and helps shape current and future projects.
The Tenant Steering Group meets quarterly and is a great way for tenants to:
- influence housing services
- share opinions
- represent the voice of all tenants
If you’d like to join or find out more, email tenantacademy@swindon.gov.uk.
Opportunities for tenants
Find out about further support and opportunities in your neighbourhood. Visit the 'Opportunities for tenants' webpage.