Tenant scrutiny panel
Your independent Tenant Scrutiny Panel works alongside Housing to review how the service is delivered. They will gather evidence, investigate and make recommendations for improvement.
The Tenant Scrutiny Panel monitors the implementation of these recommendations and also monitors how the Housing Service has improved.
They are keen to hear from other tenants to listen to their experiences of Housing and to hear their ideas for improving the service.
You can join Tenant Scrutiny as a panel member or participate in a focus group. Focus groups are arranged for each review and concentrate on a specific area of housing. Your viewpoint can make a difference and help to improve your Housing Service.
Skills you need to be a panel member
- An interest in improving your Housing Service
- Enthusiasm to work with others to find solutions
- You should be k keen to develop new skills
Effective members of the panel or focus group need:
- common sense
- an objective viewpoint
- respect for others
- an ability to challenge the views of others constructively and positively
- to enjoy being part of a team
To find out more please email getinvolved@swindon.gov.uk and we will put you in touch with the Tenant Scrutiny Panel.