Pay your rent

Frequently asked questions

What options for the rent increase have been considered?

The proposal is to increase rents in line with the Government formula using the September Consumer Price Index (CPI) figure, plus 1%, this would mean rents would rise by 2.7%.

The proposal is to increase service charges between 2.7% to 5%, depending on the service, although there are some service charges where there is no proposed increase.

When will any proposed increases in rent and service charges come into effect?

The proposed increases in rent and service charges, if agreed by the Council, would come into effect from Monday, 7 April 2025.

If the rent increase is approved how will I know how much I have to pay from April?

During March 2025 tenants will receive a letter showing the increase to the rent and any service charge they pay.

What would be the impact on the housing services I receive?

The increase in the rent would allow Housing to manage its properties, provide tenancy services and continue its programme of planned maintenance, responsive repairs and capital projects.

What financial support is available to help with bill payments?

If you are worried about your ability to afford the proposed increase in rent you should contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer. You can also get advice about paying your rent.

You can find further information on claiming benefits on the Entitled To website.

Or use the online calculator to check your entitlement to benefits on the Better Off website.

Rent payments

What will happen with my Direct Debit?

If you currently pay by Direct Debit you will receive a separate letter in March that will tell you the new amount we will be requesting from your bank.

If you want to start paying your rent by Direct Debit visit the 'Pay your rent' webpage.

How will this affect my Universal Credit claim?

If you claim Universal Credit you will be sent a ‘to do’ when you need to update your new monthly housing costs. Please wait until Monday, 7 April 2025 to complete this ‘to do’. You will need to report the following:

  • Rent
  • Eligible service charges
  • Non-payment weeks (the non-payment weeks will be listed on the rent letter you will receive in March)

You will receive LESS Universal Credit if you do not report this change in April 2025. For information on how to report your new rent, visit the 'Changes to rent for Universal Credit' webpage. If you cannot report online call 0800 328 5644. Further details are available on the GOV.UK website.

How will this affect my Housing Benefit?

Your Housing Benefit entitlement will adjust automatically if you are claiming and entitled to receive help. You will receive a separate letter from Housing Benefit telling you your weekly award. You need to read this letter carefully and adjust your payments accordingly so all your rent and charges are paid. For further details on Housing Benefit, visit the 'Housing Benefit' webpage or call 0345 302 2316.

Where can I get help to reduce my energy costs?

You can find out more about the help available on the 'Help if you're struggling with living costs' webpage.

How can I give my view to the Council?

If you have a comment about the proposed increase in the rent and service charges please email

If you rent privately and claim local housing allowance, visit the 'Local housing allowance for private tenants' webpage for more information.

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