Make choices for your ceremony
Once you have given notice to marry or form a civil partnership, you will need to decide on the details of your ceremony.
Whether your ceremony will be in the Garden Room, Juno Room, or at one of our other approved premises in Swindon, you can let us know about your choices through an online form.
First, you should read our ceremony choices booklet (PDF). This takes you through the things you need to think about before the big day, what information we need from you, and how you can make your ceremony personal to you.
A really important part of your ceremony are the vows that you will make to each other to legally form your marriage. We have created three unique ceremonies for you to choose from, that will also allow you to personalise some parts, whether one of you would like to be given away, or to include children and rings as part of your special day.
Please read through your ceremony - choice of words (PDF) as you will be asked to decide which words you would like when completing the form below.
You only get one chance to complete the form, and cannot make changes afterwards. This means you need to be certain about your choices before you complete the form. There is a list of things you'll need to tell us below.
The form should be completed, and any outstanding balance paid, at least one month before your ceremony.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your requirements, you can contact us:
- by email at
- by phone on 01793 522738
What you'll tell us in the form
Before you complete the form, make sure you are certain about all the points below. You can't edit the form once you have submitted it.
You'll need to let us know the following about each partner:
- Full personal details (name and contact details)
- Whether someone will be giving you away
- Whether you'll be giving a ring
About the ceremony itself, we'll want to know:
- When it is (date, time, place)
- Your music choices
- Whether you have children you want to mention in the ceremony and, if so, what their names are
- How you'd like to be announced at the end of the ceremony
- Whether you'll be having readings and, if so, what they are and who'll they'll be read by (you need to provide the full text)
- Whether you would like non-legal celebratory certificates for an additional fee
- Whether you would like any of the additional services that we offer (please see ceremony choices booklet above)
- Which ceremony script you would like (please see Your Ceremony – choice of words above)