Converting civil partnerships to marriage

Conversion of a Civil Partnership to Marriage is only available for same sex couples, there is currently no provision for couples in an opposite sex civil partnership to convert their civil partnership to a marriage.

You are able to convert your civil partnership to marriage, but only if you registered it in England and Wales, or overseas in a consulate or armed forces base (where the civil partnership was registered according to the laws of England and Wales).

The fee for conversion is £50.

Please note that if you require a marriage certificate, there will be a charge of £12.50 for each copy if ordered at the time of registration. Certificates ordered after that may be subject to an increased fee.

Couples can attend any register office to convert their civil partnership to a marriage by appointment only. It does not need to be in the same district in which the civil partnership was originally formed.

Both partners will need to provide evidence of their identity (e.g: passport), and a proof of address. We will also need to see your civil partnership certificate.

A marriage celebration ceremony can follow the conversion in an approved premise of your choice and it does not have to be on the same day. There will be an additional fee for this.

Please contact the Registration Service where we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

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