On Trak youth counselling

On Trak is a counselling service for young people living in the borough of Swindon who, at the time of referral, are experiencing mental health problems that are likely to respond positively to 'talk-based' therapies.

Following an initial assessment, the young person referred may be offered short, medium or long-term one-to-one counselling, usually on a weekly basis. Where it is felt to be appropriate and beneficial, the young person may be referred or directed to other support services who may be able to better meet the young person’s needs.

On Trak aims to ensure that all young people have access to the service free of charge regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, sexuality, religious or cultural background. During the process, the young people are provided with:

  • a supportive relationship 
  • a safe place to express themselves
  • advice and guidance to promote good mental health
  • help with more effective ways to handle stressful situations
  • a better understanding of themselves and their relationship to their world
  • a greater awareness of their personal resources, abilities and ways to build self-esteem

Eligible young people are provided with the service for as long as the counselling remains therapeutically valuable.

Who the service is for

The service is available to young people that are:

  • aged from 14 to 19 at the time of referral
  • living in the borough of Swindon
  • experiencing minor to moderate mental health problems that may be improved by attending one-to-one, talk-based therapy sessions

Who can request the service

On Trak accepts referrals from the young people themselves, their parents, guardians or carers as well as Swindon Borough Council social care workers or relevant Swindon Borough Council support services. 

To find out more, please contact the On Trak Counselling Service on:

Email: ontrak@swindon.gov.uk
Tel: 01793 466366

Please note: On Trak are currently unable to accept any new referrals until further notice. If you need further support, please contact your GP to discuss alternative options.

Other sources of information

For more detailed information about On Trak and other restorative youth support services, see our restorative youth services plan.

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