Get help towards paying for childcare

Paying for childcare

We administer funded early education to support the cost of part-time childcare for parents of three and four year olds in Swindon. There are a number of additional sources of support for parents to help with the cost of childcare which are administered by other agencies.

Working parents

Many working parents are able to access financial support for childcare through schemes administered by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Information about them and links to the HMRC webpages are available through by following the links below:

Further guidance for working parents about paying for childcare and planned changes to childcare funding, is available from the Family and Childcare Trust.

In addition, there are occasions when Jobcentre Plus may be able to help with childcare costs for parents who are undertaking training authorised by Jobcentre Plus or who are returning to work. Jobcentre Plus personal advisers can give more information.

Students in further education

There are a number of ways that childcare for parents in further education can be funded, depending on circumstances such as age and income.

These include the following:

The care to learn scheme

This supports childcare costs for young learners under the age of 20. See the website - Care to Learn

New College

Students at New College should refer to the New College website

Students in higher education

Extra help for higher education students who have children, may be available as part of their funding package. See the website - Student Finance

Other financial assistance

Many sources of additional financial support for parents, including information about Child Benefit, Child Tax Credit and the Sure Start Maternity Grant, are summarised on the website:

The Money Advice Service offers advice to parents about budgeting. See the Money Advice Service website - Budgeting for a Family

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