Children and Families, Contact Swindon

Emergency duty service

The Emergency Duty Service (EDS) provides an emergency contact point for all aspects of social work in Swindon outside normal office hours. This includes cover during the night, weekends and bank holidays. The Emergency Duty Service is available on 01793 436699.

Who the service is for?

The service provides help or advice for urgent individual or family problems that require immediate social work attention.

This includes: 

  • children in need of protection
  • immediate concerns about children, their safety and well-being
  • acute mental health problems
  • older people at risk
  • immediate concerns about a person with a learning or physical disability

Where difficulties about housing and money matters arise, we can put you in touch with people who can help.

What happens when you contact the Emergency Duty Service?

When you call, you will speak to a senior member of staff who is experienced at working in crisis situations. Alternatively, if you leave a message, we will call you back as soon as possible.

If necessary, we will give you information over the phone to help you through the immediate crisis. If we think that you need to contact another organisation, we will help you get in touch with them.

Further information is also available on the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership website.

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