Children and Families, Contact Swindon
Information for professionals
Referrals by professionals are made using a request for help and support form (Word document).
A referral may be made without a completed form under the following exceptions:
- Referrals regarding immediate child protection concerns (professionals will be required to complete the referral form within 48 hours following contact with the service)
- Notifications or enquiries from the police (these are received via secure email)
- Legal notifications or instructions from Solicitors or Court (usually relating to contact/residence issues or special guardianship)
It is important to act quickly if you suspect abuse as some signs of abuse can disappear quickly.
If you think that a child is in immediate danger, please contact the Police emergency line by dialling 999.
If you are uncertain, you might find it helpful to discuss your worries with someone you know who works with children and families. This could be someone like a teacher, school nurse, health visitor or social worker.
For access to up-to-date safeguarding information for workers and volunteers, children and young people and parents and carers, visit the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership website.