Improvement relief

Improvement Relief aims to support businesses looking to invest in their premises.

If you carry out certain qualifying improvements to your property you may be eligible for 12 months relief from increased business rates.

The relief will apply to works completed on or after 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2028.


In order to qualify for relief, any improvements must:

  • increase the rateable value of your property
  • be completed on or after 1 April 2024

They must also either:

  • increase the size of your property
  • add new features or equipment to your property, such as heating, air conditioning or CCTV

Improvements to existing features or equipment do not qualify. 

You must have occupied the property during and after the improvement works to get Improvement Relief. You cannot pass this on to anybody else.

For further information visit the Government website.

Do I need to apply for Improvement Relief?

You do not need to apply to us for Improvement Relief, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will decide if the changes you have made to your property could be considered for Improvement Relief. 

If you qualify for relief, the VOA will send a certificate to both you and the council showing:

  • how much the improvement affects the property’s rateable value
  • when the relief will end

Once we have received a certificate we will:

  • confirm you were occupying the property for the duration of the improvements
  • decide how much Improvement Relief you are entitled to
  • send you a revised rates bill

 If you have any enquiries with regards to the certificate, contact the VOA at the email address provided on the certificate.

There is no right of appeal with regards to the certified values.  

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