Report a pothole

We are responsible for repairing all public roads, pavements and cycle paths within the borough.

Our budget is limited so we use a standard measurement criteria to categorise road damage and prioritise repairs: 

  • For a pothole to be considered a safety defect, it must be at least 30mm deep in the road surface. Potholes that are more than 40mm deep are repaired within the next working day. We aim to complete all other pothole repairs within 30 working days, with the majority completed within five working days. Other defects may be programmed for repair over a longer period of up to six weeks.
  • For defects less than 30mm deep - a risk assessment is made in line with our Carriageway and Footway Defects Management Plan to determine if the defect is a hazard and if a repair is necessary

If you’d like to learn more about how we manage pothole repairs, visit our question and answer page.

Most potholes are identified by our team of six highway inspectors, but we encourage residents to report new road damage they encounter that we may not know about. 

As we do not maintain the A419 or M4, please report any damage to either of these roads to National Highways

Please only use the link below to report potholes. If you’re looking to report a road, footpath or pavement in poor condition (which doesn’t relate to potholes), visit our road maintenance page.

Report a pothole

Your online report will be investigated by the team. You’ll receive an automated acknowledgement email with a unique tracking code and then a further email to update you on the outcome of the investigation.

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