Parent governor representatives

A parent governor representative is a governor who is a parent that has been elected by other parent governors and has been appointed to a local authority committee dealing with education.

Parent governor representatives:

  • vote on all matters to do with schools and pupils 
  • do not represent the interest of any particular group, school, locality or any party political interest 
  • aim to keep parents informed of what issues the authority is discussing and what decisions they are planning or have made 

Children and young people’s overview and scrutiny committee 

The children's health, social care and education overview and scrutiny committee is responsible for reviewing any matter that impacts on children and young people in Swindon.  
Its responsibilities include:

  • reviewing, scrutinising and developing policy recommendations
  • monitoring performance and progress against corporate priorities 
  • scrutinising the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services 
  • scrutinising the Children & Young People Block of the Local Area Agreement

Issues that may be considered by the committee may include:

  • education
  • the youth service
  • education and training outside of the school environment
  • social services for children and young people
  • any other topic that affects children and young people such as leisure facilities or transport

The committee comprises eleven elected members and several co-opted parent governor, education and church representatives.

Further information

Governor Support
Tel: 01793 463876

Please note: The Parent Governor Representatives are unable to deal with individual parental concerns. For issues related to individual schools, rather than education policy, parents should contact the Headteacher.

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