All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are in receipt of Universal age related free school meals.
The HAF programme is only open to those children who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals, if your child is in Reception, Years 1 or 2 , and you think you may be eligible for HAF funding you will need to apply for benefits related free school meals.
No you are entitled to 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, 4 weeks out of the 6
No, the maximum sessions per week is four.
Yes, the holiday clubs would need to know about your child’s needs as soon as possible though, to arrange any necessary additional support.
Children can be booked into different clubs in the same week and the same holiday period, but the hours must not exceed your entitlement – 4 hours, 4 days and 4 weeks (16 days total) over the summer holidays and 4 hours, 4 days and 1 week (4 days total) for each of the Easter and Christmas holiday periods.
Hours or days cannot be carried over from one holiday period to another.
No, we are only able to confirm eligibility for one holiday period at a time.