Concessionary bus pass

Renew your concessionary bus pass

The renewal process for bus passes depends on whether they are age-related or disability-related.

Age-related pass

If you have an age-related pass, we will automatically renew them when they expire at the end of March and April. We send out renewed passes by the end of March and April.

We will send your renewed pass to the latest address. If you change your address, it is your responsibility to update your contact details

If we send a pass to an out of date or incorrect address, you will need to order a replacement pass and pay £10.

Disability-related pass

You should renew your disability-related bus pass one month before the expiry date. We will re-assess your eligibility when you renew. Make sure you have the supporting documents you need for your application.

Renew a disabled person's bus pass

What you’ll need

You will need the 12-digit code on your pass to complete the form.

You will need to scan and upload the following documents to support your application:

  • Recent proof of disability
  • Passport style photo (if you look significantly different to the photo on your current pass)
  • Proof of address (if you have moved)

You can visit the application page to check which documents are valid.

Response time

We will send your renewed pass in the post within 15 working days from the date of your application.

If you require further information, email us at:

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