Report an alleged breach of planning
What a breach may involve
- Building works affecting the external appearance of the building
- Internal and external works to a listed building
- Material changes of use
- Non-compliance with conditions attached to planning consents
- The display of advertisements
- Substantial demolition works in a Conservation Area
- The felling of protected trees
Report an alleged breach of planning control
If you believe a breach of planning control has occurred, you can report it to our Planning Enforcement Team by using the online form below. You will be asked to create a My Account before you can complete the form.
Planning enforcement referral form
Please include as much detail as possible. The majority of successful investigations are aided by information supplied by the complainant and you can help the Council by being prepared to collect information and give evidence for appeals or prosecutions. It is for this reason the Council do not usually accept anonymous enquiries.
Works we can't investigate
It is important to be aware that certain works or changes of use may not require consent. Where permission is not required from the local planning authority, or where planning legislation permits the development, the Council will not be able to take enforcement action.
Please see our frequently asked questions for further information.
The Planning Enforcement team are unable to investigate the following:
- Neighbour disputes
- Land boundaries or ownership disputes
- Works to party walls
- Smells, noise and pollution
- Fly-tipping
- Use of development on highways or pavements
- Dangerous structures
How we respond to breaches of planning control
If it is established that a breach of planning control has occurred, our Planning Enforcement team will attempt to resolve the matter initially by negotiation. The enforcement of planning law is particularly complex.
It needs to strike a balance between:
- the rights of individuals to use or alter their property in the way they wish
- the need to safeguard the character and quality of neighbourhoods
- the need to uphold the planning policies for the local area in such a way as to protect the public interest
In all cases, we have to assess what harm is being caused as a result of any breach and how the situation could be remedied without formal legal action. Although we can and do take formal legal action against breaches of planning control, we are advised to do so only as a last resort. The majority of cases are resolved through negotiation.
The investigation process is as follows:
- Enquiries are registered, acknowledged and allocated to an Enforcement Officer within 10 working days
- If the enquiry is valid, a site visit is conducted
- Contact is made with the alleged offender
- Action can vary depending upon the case
- Steps 2-4 can take between 8-13 weeks to progress, in more complex cases this may be longer
Our officers make decisions based upon the planning enforcement policy.
Register of enforcement notices issued
You can download a full list of all enforcement notices served. This list includes the address, type of notice served and the status of that notice.
If you would like a copy of a notice or have an enquiry relating to a notice, email We aim to respond within 10 working days.