The Health Hydro

What is happening now?

Internal view of Health Hydro reception under development

First phase of works

The first phase of works is now underway following the appointment of EW Beard as the main contractor.

This first phase is being funded by Swindon Borough Council, Swindon’s Town Deal, Historic England and GLL, and includes:

  • repair and conservation repairs to the building’s façade on Faringdon Road
  • roof and valley gutter repairs
  • conversion of the former Washing Baths Hall into a new entrance and reception, gym and fitness suite
  • new accessible changing facilities
  • new plant areas to accommodate all future needs of the building
  • new boiler and filtration systems for the large swimming pool
  • new ventilation systems to service the gym, changing areas and pool hall
  • new heater for the Turkish Baths
  • new electrical supply to service the entire building

We have also been working hard to secure funding to deliver further phases of restoration and move towards the complete vision.

In March 2023, the National Lottery Heritage Fund awarded SBC a Development Grant of £409k to fund the work required to prepare a Round 2 application for a further £4million. These funds, together with match funding, will complete the restoration of the main swimming pool hall and provide interpretation to tell the story of the Health Hydro and a three-year programme of activities to draw people into the building and engage them with its heritage. 

The application will be submitted in August 2025 and, if successful, work will start in 2027.

What will the work include?

The physical works will include:

  • comprehensive repairs, insulation and re-glazing works to the roof
  • replacement and upgrades to the front-end air handling and ventilation system, including related structural alterations, to allow full operational control and stabilisation of air temperature and humidity levels
  • works to optimise the pool’s filtration system
  • other services upgrades (such as IT, data & power connectivity)
  • internal repairs and conservation works including, but not limited to: soffit boards, spectator gallery (floor boarding, seating and balustrades), brickwork, stonework, repurposing reclaimed terrazzo (retained from existing/renovated changing areas) into benching, decoration and finishing
  • repairs, insulation and conservation works to the stained-glass window 

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