The Health Hydro

Regenerating the Health Hydro

Artist impression of front elevation of Health Hydro

The Vision

Work to restore the Grade II* listed Health Hydro has begun. This ambitious regeneration project will breathe new life into one of Swindon’s most remarkable historic buildings and create a unique health and wellbeing destination to draw people into Swindon’s town centre. It will spearhead the ongoing revitalisation of the Railway Village, helping to promote Swindon as a place of historic interest worth visiting. 

The restoration planning work began in earnest in 2021, with Swindon Borough Council’s commitment of £1.5million and £5million of Town Deal funding.

Given the scale of the challenge and funding required to restore the entire Health Hydro, the works are being prioritised and delivered in phases.

Before embarking on any detailed planning, a vision and masterplan for the entire building was prepared and agreed by the project partners and local stakeholders. Each phase of restoration aims to build towards realising the full vision which is inspired by the Health Hydro’s history as a pioneering health and wellbeing service.

Built by the Great Western Railway Medical Fund in 1891, it sought to provide affordable access to both preventative and medical care funded by subscriptions from GWR employee. The GWR Medical Fund Society recognised that good health is not just the absence of disease but a process influenced by hygiene, diet, environment, physical activity and community support. The provision of wash baths, swimming baths, Turkish Baths alongside a comprehensive medical service in one building, sought to put into practice Swindon’s motto: ‘Salubritas Et Industria’ (Health and Industry).  

Further information

For further information you can read the Vision for the Health Hydro document (PDF)

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