Solar Together

Buying solar panels and battery storage made easy

A scheme called Solar Together gives Swindon residents the opportunity to come together to invest in renewable energy through a group-buying scheme for solar panels and battery storage. This will be the third round run by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council, working with independent group-buying specialist iChoosr.

To date over 430 Swindon households have purchased solar panel systems through the scheme, with the majority also opting to install a storage battery to save surplus solar energy for whenever needed.

From Monday, 17 June to Friday, 9 August 2024, you can register your interest for free on the Solar Together website, with no obligation to continue further.

All Swindon residents (and in wider Wiltshire) who own their own house, or have permission from the landlord to install solar panels can register an interest, along with small and medium-sized enterprises (non-domestic) and Commonhold Associations meeting this requirement.

To help you make an informed choice, detailed information on every aspect of the scheme can be found on the Solar Together website.

The independent Energy Savings Trust has also produced a guide to solar panels, along with a search-by-postcode tool to help estimate the energy bill savings and financial payments you could potentially receive by installing solar panels.

Meanwhile, an ambition to ‘Build a greener Swindon’ is one of three priority missions in a new corporate plan due to be considered by the council's cabinet in July 2024.

Planning permission

Installations will generally not need planning permission. However, in some cases such as in conservation areas and on listed buildings, planning permission may be required. For further information visit the planning advice page.

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