Open data catalogue

The idea of open data is that non-personal information held by government and local councils should be freely available for anyone to use.

We want to make our data available for the benefit of everyone, so that:

  • we increase the transparency and accountability of what we do
  • you can re-use, remix and share the data in new and interesting ways
  • you can use the data to create useful applications and websites

For further information on the Local Government Transparency Code visit the GOV.UK website.

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Business rates
Monthly information about properties registered for business rates payments in Swindon borough. Includes property reference number, address, valuation category, rateable value and account start date. Business rates - full data record
The set of principles, values or rules that govern how we aim to behave as a local authority serving Swindon's citizens.Constitution - full data record
Expenditure exceeding £500
Monthly expenditure on items costing more than £500, including expenses, payments for goods and services, and transactions with other public bodies. Shows date, beneficiary and brief purpose of expenditure. Expenditure exceeding £500 - full data record
Annual information includes number of occasions we have used powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud and number of employees and money spent on fraud investigation and prosecution. Fraud - full data record
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Annual details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations - full data record
Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
Monthly list of HMOs and their licence holders. List of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) in Swindon - full data record 
Late payments
Annual details of published performance data on late payments. Late payments - full data record
Local authority land
Annual details of all land and building assets. Local authority land - full data record
Organisation chart
Details of key senior personnel and their respective responsibilities. Organisation chart - full data record
Parking enforcement annual reports
The Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004 places a requirement on local authorities to produce an annual report about their enforcement activities and should cover the financial, statistical and other data including any civil parking enforcement (CPE) targets. Parking enforcement annual report - full data record.
Procurement information
Quarterly information about invitations to tender to contract to provide goods and services in excess of £5,000, and contracts or agreements in excess of £5,000. Procurement information - full data record
Senior salaries
Information about employees whose annual salary is at least £50,000, including names, job titles, and count of employees in remuneration bands of £5,000. Senior salaries - full data record
Tenant satisfaction measures surveys
Documents showing how well Swindon Borough Council Housing has performed in delivering services to its tenants. These are annual measures that are mandatory for all social housing landlords. Tenant satisfaction measures surveys - full data record

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