
Follow the link to each website below, then enter your Swindon library card number into the login box and/or follow the instructions. 

Access to Research

Discover a world of published academic research at your local library with over 10 million academic articles available. Accessible from core library PC's only.


Start searching billions of records and discover your family's story. Accessible from core library PC's only.

BFI Replay

Sixty years of screen stories, digitised and preserved for you. Relive, research and lose yourself in the past with thousands of digitised videos and television programmes from the collections of the BFI National Archive and partner UK Regions and Nations Film Archives. Accessible from core library PCs and own devices using Library Wi-Fi only.

British Newspaper Archive

The British Newspaper Archive is a partnership between the British Library and Brightsolid online publishing to digitise up to 40 million newspaper pages. Search millions of articles by keyword, name, location, date or title. Accessible from core library PC's only.

British Pathe

British Pathe has a collection of around 85,000 films spanning the years from 1896 to 1976. The collection includes footage from around the globe of major events, famous faces, fashion trends, travel, science and culture.

Dictionary of National Biography

55,000 biographies of the men and women who have shaped Britain’s history. Type in the letters SWI followed by your Swindon library card number.

Find My Past

Free on-site access to this vast repository of family history records through our public computers at core libraries.

Go Citizen

Go Citizen is an online study resource for candidates preparing for the Life in the UK test or the British citizenship test.

Local Studies History Gallery

In collaboration with the people of Swindon and local history enthusiasts, Swindon Central Library has produced a substantial online library of historical photographs.

National Theatre Collection 3

The third National Theatre collection has launched to include performances such as Greek tragedy, a medieval morality play, and Shakespeare, to plays about Generation Z. Free to library members. Accessible from core library PC's only.

New Oxford Shakespeare

The New Oxford Shakespeare presents an entirely new consideration of all of Shakespeare's works. Edited from first principles from the base-texts themselves, and drawing on the latest textual and theatrical scholarship. Type in the letters SWI followed by your Swindon library card number.

Oxford English Dictionary

The most famous dictionary in the world. Type in the letters SWI followed by your Swindon library card number.

Oxford Open Access Journals

Oxford University Press has made content from online resources and leading journals freely accessible.

Oxford Reference

Discover good quality authoritative information on every subject. Type in the letters SWI followed by your Swindon library card number.

Road to IELTS

Develop the skills you need to succeed in the International English Language Testing System. The academic version is for university entrance. 

Theory Test Pro

Online simulation of the UK driving theory test, including the entire official question bank from the DSA. You will need to sign up with your name, email address and library card number.

The Times Digital Archive

The best-known and most cited newspaper in the world. Every complete page of every issue of The Times from 1785 to 2019.

What Everyone Needs to Know

Written by leading authorities in their given fields and offering a balanced and authoritative primer on complex current event issues and countries. Type in the letters SWI followed by your Swindon library card number.

Which Magazine

Access to Which consumer reports, reviews and advice. Please ask a member of staff when you visit. Accessible from core library PC's only.

Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Your passport to the past. If you are carrying out research or have an interest in local history you can access online resources and guides, including the archives catalogue. Archivists and community history advisors are on hand to deal with your research enquiries and can be contacted by email.

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