Immigration home inspection

We offer inspections for immigration purposes to those living within the Borough. These will be carried out by a Specialist Environmental Health Officer who will provide a report acceptable to immigration authorities for you to include in your application.

What to expect from an inspection

We will ask for personal details of the person coming into the UK, to include their date of birth and the full address of their home country.

When we inspect, we will ask to see proof of your ownership or tenancy of the property.

If you own the property, we will need to see the Title Deeds, Mortgage Statement or correspondence from your mortgage provider. If you rent the property, then we will need to see a current Tenancy Agreement, and a utility bill in your name at the address in question.

You will be asked to show us around your property, outlining who occupies the house, and which rooms they sleep in.

Charges for immigration inspections

An immigration inspection costs £280.79

We reserve the right to charge for any second and subsequent inspections arising from your application.

How to request an immigration inspection

You can request an immigration inspection using the online form below. You will need to sign in or register before you can complete the form:

Request an immigration inspection

We require payment before we carry out an inspection.

Once we receive payment, we will contact you within seven working days to arrange an appointment time within normal working hours.

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