Infectious diseases and vaccination


The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause millions of infections and has caused over 6 million deaths across the world.

Vaccination to prevent COVID-19 is one of the key tools in controlling the pandemic.

COVID-19 vaccines provide strong protection against serious illness, hospitalisation and death. Scientists across the world have worked to develop vaccines which have then been rigorously tested for safety and efficacy

To find out who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations and information on how to book an appointment, please visit the NHS website.

If you cannot book appointments online, you can call 119 free of charge (lines are open from 7.00am to 11.00pm). 

Alternatively, you can walk-in to a local pharmacy for a COVID-19 vaccination, please visit the NHS walk-in vaccination centre service finder.

You can also get your seasonal booster at local community clinics.Visit the NHS BSW website for a list of community clinics in the local area.

If you want to find further information on vaccines, or have any questions, visit the BSW Integrated Care Board website.

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