
Local flood risk management strategy

As a lead local flood authority (LLFA) for the borough of Swindon, we coordinate the local flood risk management strategy. This is a formal strategy document that provides thorough detail on our work on flooding. We also work with local partners to manage local flooding. 

We have a responsibility to:

  • develop, apply and monitor a local flood risk management strategy in Swindon
  • manage flood risk by planning for emergencies and maintaining highways drainage
  • investigate incidents of significant flooding
  • maintain a register of structures or features that may have significant effect on flood risk
  • issue consents for works on ordinary watercourses
  • make sure that any new developments put in place adequate measures to mitigate flood risk

You can view or download our local flood risk management strategy. You can also check our community area action plan and strategy improvement measures.

Preliminary flood risk assessment

This has been compiled using information on past flooding in the Borough. By looking back at past events, the assessment has identified sites that are at potential flood risk and evaluates flood risk from surface water, ordinary water courses, rivers and ground water.

The assessment is a key element that the Council will be using to identify potential flood risk. We have developed a surface Water Management Plan which will enable us to provide a strategy for detailing with flood risk within the borough.

The Flood Risk Assessment and associated maps are available to download below:

Further information

Flooding advice is also available via the Gov.uk website (Check Flood Risk)

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