Armed Forces Covenant

Armed forces covenant logo showing 'Proudly supporting thise who serve'

We recognise and remember the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces community. The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise made by Swindon Borough Council, the NHS and local businesses and charities, to support in-service personnel, ex-service personnel and their families to receive a fair and consistent service within the borough.

We pledge to ensure that the armed forces community is able to access the services they need without being disadvantaged because of their career in the forces, and to consider forces personnel when creating new policies and procedures.

A signed copy of the Armed Forces Covenant is available to download and view below:


A full list of pledges is included in the signed copy of the Armed Forces Covenant. It includes: 

We will:

  • offer suitable advice to Armed Forces applicants who are present in Swindon so they are able to access affordable housing
  • offer preference for those requiring social housing who are currently in the Armed Forces or leaving the forces
  • allocate a proportion of stock for Armed Forces applicants through local lettings plans
  • give information and advice to disabled personnel to identify suitable new housing
  • offer relevant advice and support to injured veterans to help them access home improvements

Apply for council housing

We will allow for service families to apply for school places from overseas, in advance of arriving in the UK. Whilst we do not guarantee a place in the school of choice for each family, the school admissions process ensures service families are not considered alongside the 30 children per class restrictions.

We will consider the needs of service families in relation to allocation of school places under the admissions code.

School places and admissions

We will encourage involvement with Cadet Forces by:

  • the Mayor attending passing-out parades and awards evenings
  • involving cadets in Mayoral functions, civic events and Remembrance Sunday events

Useful contacts

Armed forces healthcare

Healthcare information and support for the UK's armed forces community, including serving personnel, reservists, families and veterans.

Veterans' Gateway

A point of contact for veterans seeking support, putting veterans and their families in touch with the organisations best placed to help.

Government support and guidance


  • for immediate help in an emergency, call 999
  • for urgent psychological support, call Combat Stress on 0800 1381619 or the Samaritans on 116 123
  • for urgent housing support, call Shelter on 0808 800 4444

The Royal British Legion

Offers support though the phone or email and also you can apply to be helped with the cost of living with a cost-of-living grant.

Tel: 824660 (lines open daily 8.00am to 8.00pm)
Website: The Royal British Legion

SSAFA Wiltshire

Provides lifelong support to those who are serving or have served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or the Royal Air Force, and to their families. 

Tel: 0204 566 9131 (Lines are open 9.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday) or you can talk to them though live Chat online.

For urgent help you can contact Forcesline on 0800 260 6767 (lines are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday) or you can talk to the live chat online.

Higher Futures

An education and skills service ensuring the military community can benefit from opportunities offered by Swindon and Wiltshire businesses.

Tel: 01225 756174

The Swindon Military Veterans Breakfast Club

Promotes camaraderie and goodwill through shared experiences and banter.

Every Saturday from 9.05am onwards.

Toby Carvery
Elstree Way
SN25 4YX

Facebook: Swindon Military Veterans Breakfast Club

Help for Heroes

Whether you need urgent support, a listening ear, or want to find out more about how we help the Armed Forces community, we're here to help.

Samaritans Freephone Number: 0808 175 3075 (24/7)
Samaritans Email: (24/7)

Voluntary Action Swindon

A charity that helps other charities. Enables and develops the local voluntary and community sector through advice and training, running campaigns and events, supporting networks and representing sector views to policymakers.

John Street

Tel: 01793 538398
Voluntary Action Swindon website
Voluntary Action Swindon on Facebook

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