Mayor of Swindon
The Mayor of Swindon is Cllr Imtiyaz Shaikh.
Further reading about the Mayor: Cllr Imtiyaz Shaikh's biography

The Mayor is the civic head of the council, its representative and its Sovereign's representative, appointed over a single year.
The Mayor takes the leading role in all civic ceremonies and ceremonial duties and who, at major civic functions, welcomes important visitors, local organisations and inaugurates special events.
The Mayor also chairs full council meetings.
The Deputy Mayor, may stand in if the Mayor is not available.
Inviting the Mayor to your event
Please note: The Mayor's attendance at your event is not confirmed until approved by the Mayor's Office. Please read the protocol before submitting your form online.
Request the Mayor’s attendance form
A minimum of 3 weeks’ notice is required in order to successfully register your request.
These guidelines must be observed at events which the Mayor attends in an official capacity. Where an organisation does not adhere to this procedure, the Mayor is unable to accept an invitation.
Functions that the Mayor attends in a personal or private capacity will be without the regalia of office, and therefore treated as any other individual.
The Mayor is the First Citizen of Swindon and takes precedence over others, with the exception of royalty and His Majesty's representatives, such as the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, who takes precedence.
The Mayor will wear the Chain and Badge of Office, whilst undertaking formal engagements. For some functions the Badge of Office will be worn on a ribbon instead.
Receiving the Mayor at events
The event organiser, or their representative, should meet the Mayor and Mayoress on arrival to greet them appropriately.
The Mayor will normally be accompanied by an attendant or chauffeur and where possible, the provision of seating and refreshments would be appreciated.
How to address the Mayor
The Mayor of Swindon is known by the title "The Worshipful the Mayor".
Male Mayors are addressed directly as "Mr Mayor" and females as "Madam Mayor". In a speech the Mayor would be addressed as Mr Mayor or Madam Mayor.
If desired, the name, preceded by "Councillor", should follow the office for example, The Worshipful the Mayor of Swindon, Councillor Imtiyaz Shaikh.
The Mayor, as senior guest, should always be seated on the immediate right of the host at meetings and also at social events such as lunches or dinners. The Mayoress or Consort should be seated next to the Mayor.
Photographs of civic representatives, including the Mayor, are not to be used for any promotional purposes.
If preparing a press release, approval before the date of issue is required by the Mayor or Mayor’s office. You are responsible for any other publicity or press communications.
Deputy Mayor
The above procedures apply for the Deputy Mayor when attending as the Mayor's representative.
Contacting the Mayor's office and further information
If you wish to contact the Mayor's office, email:
You might also find the following downloadable document helpful:
- The Office of Mayor (PDF)