Children and young people

Adoption services

How to access the Swindon office of Adopt Thames Valley

Anti-bullying advice and support

Different types of bullying and how to get support

Care leavers local offer

Financial support and advice for children and young people leaving care

Childcare policies and procedures

Integrated childcare and inter-agency information

Children and young people with disabilities

Paediatric therapy, short breaks care and payment services

Children Looked After Placement Sufficiency Statement

Statistics and information about our children looked after and care leavers

Educational support

How to access Swindon SEND and pre-school support

Health support for children and young people

Find out about school nursing, health visitors and mental health support


Getting your voice heard and advising others

Swindon Virtual School

Supporting the education of looked-after children

Young carers

About young carers and the Young Carers Charter

Youth service and support

Youth counselling, funding and opportunities