Change of name service

Swindon Registration and Celebratory Service is now able to offer this service to anyone over 18 years who wishes to change their name. It is also available to those under 18 years who have parental or court consent.

The following details apply to all applicants:

  • A Name Deed is an acceptable document to prove a person has changed their name and must be used in conjunction with their birth certificate.
  • A person can change their forenames, surname or both if they wish, but cannot include titles such as Lord, Lady, or Sir or any symbols or numbers.
  • Any new names chosen must not be offensive or rude.
  • A foreign national living in this country can also make a change of Name Deed, but must check with their own national authorities to ensure they will accept the change.
  • British nationals living abroad must also check to ensure that the country they are residing in will accept the Name Deed. Some countries require a Solicitor or Notary Public to witness the name Deed.

Please contact the Registration Service to make an appointment or for more details.

Change of name service fees
List of services  Fee 2025 Fee 2026

Standard Adult Name Deed

Complete one change of name Deed showing previous name and new name, which will be signed and witnessed by a Registration Officer

£99.00 £110.00

Standard Child Name Deed

As above but will also contain consent letters from relevant parents attached to the Name Deed

£99.00 £110.00

Additional Copies of Name Deeds

Extra copies are available when the name Deed is first made

£13.00 £15.50

Replacement Copies of Name Deeds

Can be issued if the original is lost

£24.00 £27.00

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