Household waste collections

Blue bag collections

Homes that cannot store a wheelie bin within their boundary, for example homes with no frontage, receive an allocation of blue rubbish bags.

The deliveries of 52 blue bags per household, take place in April and October each year. This means 104 blue bags are delivered per year, enough for two every week.

Please note: We only collect bags provided by the council.

In most cases, we collect blue rubbish bags weekly. You can find your collection day using our online calendar.

Your blue bags should:

  • contain general household rubbish
  • not contain garden waste and things you can recycle
  • be ready for collection from 6.30am
  • not attract foxes and cats (for example, leftover meat should be double-bagged)

Additional blue bags

If you have moved home and there are no bags at the property, you can order blue bags online.

Order replacement  blue bags

If you are unable to cope with 104 bags a year because of the size of your family, you can request an assessment with one of our waste wardens. They will determine whether or not you can have additional bags.

Request a waste warden assessment

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