Dealing with debt
Severe debt is a major concern in the UK with approximately 8.8 million people being “over-indebted”. These are people who have been at least three months behind with their bills in the last six months or have said that they feel their debts are a heavy burden.
This represents 18% of the UK adult population so nearly 1 in 5 people are suffering from the immense burden of debt that often brings worries, anxiety and depression with it.
If you can identify with this please know that you are not alone and that there is no shame in admitting your situation to someone who is trained to help you to become debt free. Indeed the sooner you seek advice the more likely you are to prevent the situation getting worse. Debt ignored and allowed to go unchecked often leads to homelessness.
There are many companies offering paid for debt advice, BUT you do not need to pay for the best quality advice available.
In this section you will find links to free online resources and advisors able to help you maximise your income, manage your money better and guide you towards a debt free future.
On these pages you will also find full contact details for Swindon Citizen Advice and a list of further links to other sources of help and advice