Our strategies

Adult Services Strategy 2024-2029

Our Vision for 2024-2029 sets a clear expectation for Adult Services in Swindon to ensure that the people they work with and for, have “Lives, not Services”. Informed by the Adult Social Care White Paper “People at the Heart of Care” (2021), the principles that underpin our Strategy are Choice, Empowerment and Personalisation.

Read our Adult Services Strategy 2024-2029 (PDF)

Adult Services' Working Together Plan 2024-2029 

In July 2024, we officially launched our new Co-production strategy, known as the Working Together Plan. This plan represents our collective effort to ensure that we work alongside those with lived experiences to shape and deliver the services and policies that affect them.

The term "co-production" refers to this collaborative process where we work together as equal partners. The Plan is our framework for implementing this approach, ensuring that everyone involved has the opportunity to contribute, share their knowledge, and help create solutions that truly meet the needs of our community.

Read the full Working Together Plan 2024-2029 (PDF)

Read the Adult Services' Working Together Plan 2024-2029-Easy Read (PDF)

Adults workforce strategy 2024-2027

This strategy reflects our dedication to cultivating a skilled, compassionate, and informed workforce capable of navigating the evolving landscape of Adult Services.

Our strategies can be translated into over 70 languages. If you require a translation, please contact us at communications@swindon.gov.uk.

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