Report a safeguarding concern about an adult at risk of, or experiencing, harm

Make a referral in a professional capacity

Before you make a referral

If you want to report a safeguarding concern about an adult at risk of, or experiencing, harm, you should first use the threshold of needs e-guidance .

This will help you decide whether the reason or incident you are considering referring meets the criteria for a safeguarding referral. The guidance contains lists of examples to support your decision-making on the best course of action. The lists are not exhaustive and the guidance does not replace professional judgement.

You should also consider the following before making a referral:

  • Are you concerned that an adult is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect?
  • What types of abuse or neglect are you concerned about?
  • Have you had a conversation with the adult about the concerns?
  • Have you sought the views and wishes of the adult? There may be circumstances where the safety of the adult or yourself prevent this from happening. If in doubt, continue with the process and raise a safeguarding concern.
  • Are there any immediate risks to the adult or to others including children?
  • Have you discussed and agreed next steps with the adult?
  • Have you provided advice, information or signposted the adult?

The following resource may also be helpful in making your assessment:

Make a referral

You can only make a safeguarding referral online.

You should complete the referral form if you have reasonable cause to suspect that an adult:

  • has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
  • is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect

Complete the form to the best of your ability with the information you have at the time of the referral. Detailed and accurate information enables us to take the most appropriate action.

Report a concern about an adult

If you have any questions about safeguarding, call 01793 463555.

If you have any questions relating to other Adult Social Care duties, call 01793 445 500. Our office hours are Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm excluding public holidays.

If you need to contact us out of office hours, you can call on 01793 436699.

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