Adult social care and support
Contacting adult social care, teams and leadership
Adult care: Getting in contact
Contact us to discuss your adult social care needs and available support
Social care teams
Learn about the specialist social care teams and how they can support your care needs
The leadership team
Meet Swindon's adult social care leadership team and learn about their roles, experience and commitment
Adult social care and support
Adult commissioning
Cost of care reports and market sustainability plan
Adult social care fees and charges
Fees for all care types including residential, supported and day care
Advocacy: Someone to speak for you
Support to represent your individual needs and views
Specialist care and support for adults with dementia
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Understand how DoLS protect vulnerable adults, when they apply and how to request an assessment
Financial and legal matters
Support and advice to help you pay for your care
Local safeguarding adult board
About the local safeguarding adult board
Report an adult safeguarding concern
Share your concern about someone experiencing, or at risk, of harm
Shared Lives
Care, support and accommodation for adults with learning difficulties
Staying healthy
Exercise programmes to keep you active